TC11 – Ethernet Switch Requirements and Qualification

TC11 specifies hardware requirements and compliance tests for Automotive Ethernet switch semiconductors that are suitable for both typical and specific use cases of data communication in Automotive Ethernet networks.

These requirements include the following scopes:

  • General switching based on MAC Address and VLAN handling
  • Quality of Service (QoS) based on queueing, hardware timestamping, policing and shaping (including AVB/TSN features)
  • Performance
  • Configurability and diagnostics
  • Filtering and mirroring

Chair Information

Martin Heinzinger
Thies Teichmann
Vice Chair

Committee Goals

The goal of OPEN Alliance TC11 is creating specification and qualification requirements for Automotive Ethernet switches. The committee is currently working on a second version of a requirements specification document that re-defines mandatory requirements for typical, basic Automotive use cases. Furthermore, this document will also define new optional requirements from a subset of Time-Sensitive Networking features for more challenging purposes and time-critical applications. In order to complement these defined requirements, TC11 will also create a second version of a test specification document that refines existing test cases and introduces new test cases for newly defined requirements.

Ethernet Switch Requirements
Ethernet Switch Test Specification