TC7 – Gigabit Ethernet over Optical Fiber

TC7 was created to work on optical multi-gigabit ethernet for automotive applications. The group’s objective is to create supplemental documentations for in-vehicle implementations such as connector interfaces, footprints, and test suites that are outside the scope of IEEE802.3cz.

TC7 handles all technical areas and requirements related to optical communications:

  • Communication channel
  • Connectors, optical cables, optical cable assemblies and wiring harnesses
  • Measurement setup and procedures
  • Opt-Electrical requirements
  • EMC requirements

Seven subgroups were established corresponding to the above scopes and to promote their activities.

Current TC7 subgroups organization

Chair Information

Naoshi Serizawa
Yazaki Corporation
Luis Manuel Torres
Vice Chair

Committee Goals

Develop ISO 21111 series of in-vehicle Ethernet standards by 2027.


  • Released Gigabit Ethernet over POF Specification as OPEN Alliance document 
  • Initiative to develop ISO21111 standards for In-vehicle Ethernet
1000BASE-RHC Gigabit Ethernet over Plastic Optical Fibre (GEPOF) Specifications