TC6 – Common Media Independent Interface Definitions for Automotive Purposes

The OPEN Alliance Technical Committee 6 (TC6) focuses on media independent communication interfaces (xMII) in order to improve their applicability for automotive networks. TC6 creates recommendations for automotive xMII standards and specifies xMII relevant enhancements. TC6’s objective is to develop the OPEN Alliance SGMII specification.

TC6 scope: 

  1. Select the parameters for connectivity between a IEEE 802.3-2018 compatible MAC and a physical entity (PHY)
  2. Select the parameters for connectivity between two IEEE 802.3-2018 compatible MACs
  3. Select the diagnostic and error handler features.

Chair Information

Vineeth Anavangot
Mark Hu
Vice Chair

Committee Goals

Outline the primary goals and objectives that the TC aims to achieve, including specific targets or milestones that the TC is currently working towards.

  • 2.5Gb/s SGMII Spec(WIP); Spec V0.9.1
  • 5 Gb SGMII Spec(Planned);
  • 10Gb SGMII Spec(Planned)


  • Completed the 2.5Gb/s SGMII Spec V0.7 release
  • Completed the workshop for selection of RX Jitter.
  • Completed the DFSS project for selection of PCB Parameter: End result Insertion loss of SGMII
  • Completed the selection for Diagnostics and error handling
100BASE-T1 System Implementation Specification
1000BASE-T1 RGMII EPL Recommendation for Automotive Application
10BASE-T1x MAC-PHY Serial Interface Specification